When sun shine its red,orange, pink,purple and very few knows its green also so morning basic are primary color its debateable, and evening sunset color grey,black,drk shade and night color as pink dark pink sky pink well that pure friction. but few fashion house are firm beleiver of it ,japan run an experiment to know the basic color of light they found an spectrum of light and use to store the particles.many fashion lover know optimum cut stitch is worth a show stopper ,wthere models looks matteror not emotion matters a not fashion cut should be there on ramp ,bcous thats make the lsting impression on the people mind,people know you from brands and color you wear and if you give smile and the look it mighttouch someone very deepand might recall others of there fav people or even celeb.every trade have different clothing and offcourse it has to be,as said when wore a bandana you should go to formal party people dislikes you but they release in course of time it has a meaning,offcourse just show off people could be easily understood with the skill people says it as body gesture. very nice dialogue fashion freak and lovers are the simple dressed person but who live with it days in and out are mc-square people means they can change the fashion and make a statesment that not even fashion designer or market leader fashion house could do.on sad not people trends to go miles to become mc-square or made to by fighting lions etc etc...
Friday, March 28, 2014
Hyderbad city of old fashion with new nawab, city to die for,city to live for city for teachers and students and all the more city of black...
As we get accustomed to Serial Blasts happening taking place in different cities across India, and the usual condemns by the government...
1) Virtualization perplization visualization actualization. 2) Mental block think pattern lock eye stock heart stroke. 3) Eye caught mind...