Once while giving exam of board on very first date we feel strangest strange experience , we where around 70 peoples giving board exam ,we all studied well and discussed the syllabus, while discussing we get to know few tips from here n there ,we check our belongings pencil-box ,i card etc.while just start of exam we gave our signature to attendee and we got question paper as thought came to mind while writing exam second thought spin our mind we all lost our pens and just remain with pencil we had a talk with teacher he says as exam starts we can't do anything we talked to our teacher they spoke to our parents to get at-least 100 pens they came back in 20 minutes but for us exam was already over it was 3 hours as our examiner told us as he belong to sanghathan our teacher could not speak much. that was still fresh in our mind
Wednesday, April 9, 2014
Hyderbad city of old fashion with new nawab, city to die for,city to live for city for teachers and students and all the more city of black...
As we get accustomed to Serial Blasts happening taking place in different cities across India, and the usual condemns by the government...
1) Virtualization perplization visualization actualization. 2) Mental block think pattern lock eye stock heart stroke. 3) Eye caught mind...