one of many thought of the day that stuck in mind was "good better best never take it rest till best become good enough",in normal course of life we want the better best but not best good ,in corporate world its called maslow's law demarcated into five stage of life, some says there are only three stage of any better thing that is dog life , bear life and tiger life, we always want to live life king size but we forgot dog life its basic of all and very strong humans could be made by taking dog life into consideration.common Javik life in bit hindu philosophy and its demarcated till lion life. we always perfect our future and always wants second life to begin with. but are we already a having parallel life era.
Friday, February 21, 2014
Hyderbad city of old fashion with new nawab, city to die for,city to live for city for teachers and students and all the more city of black...
As we get accustomed to Serial Blasts happening taking place in different cities across India, and the usual condemns by the government...
1) Virtualization perplization visualization actualization. 2) Mental block think pattern lock eye stock heart stroke. 3) Eye caught mind...